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Sunday Services @TCTBOCDE Now Available


(1) In Sanctuary 9:30-10:30am & 11am-12pm


(2) Drive-Up & Tune to radio to FM 87.9


(3) Watch 11am Service on ZOOM or Facebook Live


This diversity allows us to maintain well under CDC\DPHfor COVID-19 Safe Distancing & Capacity Guidelines.

JUNE 27, 2020 LATEST Update:

TCTBOC will now host LIVE ON-SITE SERVICES and streaming with recording of service to follow.

All other services are continuing as virtual meetings via video conferencing, teleconferencing at this time to allow the maximum amount of participation while maintaining maximum safety for health concerns surrounding COVID-19.


Re-opening strictly adheres to the guidelines set forth by CDC and Delaware Department of Public Health. Please wear a mask at all times and practice safe distancing. The meeting areas are set up to allow households to sit together in groups and maintain 6-foot separation from non-household members. All areas are sanitized before and after each meeting for your safety. 


JUNE 13, 2020 Update (deprecated):

TCTBOC’s Services continue as virtual meetings via video conferencing, teleconferencing, and pre-recorded services.

for health concerns surrounding COVID-19 until further notice.


Plans to re-open under the guidelines of DPH & CDC for safety are underway.


Target date for introducing LIVE ON-SITE SERVICES is 06/28/2020.

Please continue to monitor for updates. 



ALL TCTBOC On-Site Services moved to video and teleconferencing platforms as of Saturday 03/21/2020 until further notice for health & safety concerns surrounding the COVID-19 health challenges facing our world.


Please take a few moments to watch a short clip of

encouragement from Pastors Christopher & April Hall delivered in response to the challenge facing our world from the COVID-19 Pandemic.

March 14, 2020 posted:

TCTBOC’s Response to the COVID-19 Coronavirus


“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭1:7‬ ‭KJV‬‬


***power, love, sound mind***


Praise the Lord Friends,


With the spread of the virus and the present State of Emergency, it is important to remind everyone to practice good hygiene habits such as washing our hands regularly, the use of tissues or the small of our arms to cover our mouths if we sneeze or cough, the use of an alcohol based hand sanitizer and last but not least, if we have a fever and/or have flu-like symptoms, it’s recommended that we stay home from service. At church, all highly used areas will be sanitized during service times. We kindly ask those persons who enjoy a cup of coffee during service times to use hand sanitizer prior to handling items. Parents and caregivers, if your child desires water, please pour some in a cup for them. There has been an excessive amount of half-empty water bottles left in the fellowship hall after services and now because water is becoming harder to find due to the virus we must be conservative. Doing God’s will and keeping people safe is a priority. It is important that we continue to pray and seek wisdom from our Heavenly Father for He is in control. We will continue to monitor what the Center for Disease Control and Prevention says and make any modifications to our services as needed.



Pastors Christopher T. & April D. Hall

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