764 Townsend Blvd., Dover, DE 19901
P.O. Box 991, Dover, DE 19903
Studying God's Holy Word - The Bible
Studying the Scriptures, God's Holy Word, the Holy Bible, is central to the life of every believer.
Here at The Church The Body Of Christ, it is our passion to gather together to study the Scriptures together and share in what the Holy Spirit is teaching each one of us as "iron sharpens iron" and we learn to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by will of God the Father.
Come learn with us.
thru ZOOM
Every Tuesday from 7pm to 8pm
Come join us for this interactive, participatory study of GOD'S LIVING and ACTIVE WORD.
About the Study Guide we currently use:
Adult Bible Study - Union Gospel Press
Obtain a copy from us for a $3 donation to cover cost (incl shipping) or purchase an eBook version for your computer, tablet or mobile device at AMAZON, iTUNES, or KOBO for $2.50 (saves shipping), saves trees, and is easily accessible for cross reference with various Bible Apps like the a few provided on our RESOURCES page.